Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ernest Hemingway's Home Opens to the Public

September 28-October 1

Fans of writer Ernest Hemingway will be offered a rare opportunity this September when his home in Ketchum, Idaho will be opened to the public for one evening.

The home is frozen in time since the 1960s and is filled with Hemingway memorabilia. Magazines from 1961 still sit by the sofa, a drawing from Picasso hangs on the wall, along with hunting trophies from his African safaris, his travel trunk sits at the foot of his bed, complete with tags and stickers from his last journeys, and his typewriter sits where he left it, on a standing desk overlooking the magnificent Sun Valley scenery.

The Ernest Hemingway Festival
™ will be a well-rounded celebration of Hemingway’s life in the Wood River Valley and his interactions with the Hollywood set of his day. Plans include: lectures and panel discussions by national scholars, a short story contest, a tour of Hemingway Hangouts, the Sun Valley Indian Summer Shoot-out (a trap shooting contest), an art gallery tour with special presenters, a "Hemingway In Idaho" slide presentation, films and special functions at a few selected Hemingway historical sites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For more information on Ernest Hemingway, visit this great web site: Timeless Hemingway.