Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oregon State Fair

Something about a state fair just brings out the romantic in me. This has got to be Americana at its best! The Oregon State Fair is no exception. Fair organizers have returned big name draws to the concert lineup and the rest of the fair just gets bigger and better with each passing year.

Started in the late nineteenth century, the State Fair has become an Oregon family tradition. Families come from all over the state to take in great shows, rides, culinary delights, and animal and agricultural exhibits. Fair attendees will be able to see over 26,000 exhibits in livestock, home arts and hobbies, show horses, fine art, photography, professional wine, homebrew beer, small animals, including poultry, rabbits, doves, pigeons and guinea pigs, plus 4-H and FFA animals and events.

The photo below shows an exhibit of fresh vegetables and home preserved good on tables and shleves at the fair in the 1940s. [Photo courtesy of the Oregon State Archives].

For more information call 503-947-3247 or toll free in Oregon, 1-800-833-0011 or visit the OregonState Fair website at

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